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Then who is to gather the people of God?  You all say that we are to become a Kingdom of kings and priests---of queens and priestesses; and the Bible supports this doctrine.  Now, the truth is, you are the very kings and priests that have got to gather the Saints, and your wives have got to school them and nurse them.  I might put this in different language, but this will answer the purpose and convey to you the true meaning of the test.  (J.D. 8:349)
The Lord through His living prophet has told us that He will preserve the bounteous harvest of new converts entering the waters of baptism across the earth. And the Lord will do it through us. So we can have confidence that by doing simple things, things that even a child can do, we will be granted soon greater power to nourish tender faith.  (Henry B. Eyring, "Feed My Lambs," Ensign, Nov. 1997, 82)

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