
Book , “Nullification,  How To Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century” by Thomas Woods (Excellent.  Very Important,  A must read.)

Book , “Prophets, Principles and National Survival”by Jereld L. Newquist                            (Book with a LDS perspective)

Book, "The American Tradition" by Clarence Carson. (Recommended Reading by Ezra T. Benson Secretary of Agriculture)

Book, “The Making of America” by W. Cleon Skousen

(takes the Constitution line by line and explains why it is in there)          _______________________________________________________________________________

Book, ” None Dare Call it Conspiracy” by Gary Allen                    (excellent read to open eyes)

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Book, “Hiding In Plain Sight” by Ken Bowers


Booklet, “The Law” by  Frederic Bastiat  (who died in 1850 just months after he published it)

Every Lover of Liberty and Passionate Patriot everywhere should read this book.  It teaches many of the enduring principles of individual liberty. (The best $1.00 I ever spent.  I just love to loan this booklet out. It changes thinking because the truths are so well presented)  I think you can order, a translated version,  from LIBERTAS PRESS  770 E. Main Street, Suite 255 Lehi, UT 84043 or write to:


Magazine, “The New American” available at   Excellent articles written to combat and expose the current propaganda by government and media and also teach truths of liberty.


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