
This is where I will put articles  that are too big to put as a post. Perhaps a list of Links to Articles. I am still working on how this is to be organized. Just click on the green links below.

Here is a list of Bilderburger members. (Notice CEO of Google) Bilderbergmembers

Enculturating the Young into a Social and Political Democracy
Enculturating the Young into a Social and Political Democracy

This photo was taken in a school hallway in a “Conservative” State.

I didn’t send my children to school for political propaganda as this sign openly states.  I want them to learn  the basics:  Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.  We need to be aware of the brain washing of our children by state run schools, especially those accepting “Common Core”.

Got Gold.  this is a link to a remarkable prophecy about the downfall of our dollar.
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Obama Czars 31 What do you think Obama needs these Czars for.  ?
Where in the constitution does it talk about this expansion of the Executive branch?

Where in the constitution does it provide for Czars?

Who pays for these criminals salaries?


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