The pillars of our economic system are being threatened by a strange and unlikely coalition of subversives, do-gooders, and self-servers. There are in this country, a hard core of subversives who hate the free enterprise system and are dedicated to its overthrow. There is a host of do-gooders, who constantly criticize our free enterprise system, ready to solve all human problems with legislation, willing to impose their version of the millenium on you and me, unwilling to rely on the judgement of the individual. there are the self-servers, who view government as a way to gain an advantage, to restrain competition, or to obtain special favors. But the most dangerous threat of all comes from the disinterested – that great group of otherwise inteligent people who shrug off any responsibility for public affairs.

economic security for all is impossible without widespread abundance. Abundance is impossible without industrious and efficient production. 
Such production is impossible without energetic, willing, and eager labor. This is not possible without incentive.
Of all forms of incentive- the freedom to attain a reward for one's
labors is the most sustaining for  most people. 
Sometimes called the profit motive, it is simply the right to plan and to earn and enjoy the fruits of your labor. This profit motive diminishes
as government controls, regulations and taxes increase to deny the fruits of sucess to those who produce.

Profit is the reward for honest labor.
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If he cannot keep or invest that which he has earned, neither may he own, nor will he risk. Profit creates wealth;
wealth creates more work opportunity; and more work opportunity creates greater wealth.
None of this is possible without incentive. there is another benefit to profit. It provides man with moral choices....
Only saved profit, not government creates more jobs. The only way government can create jobs is to take money from
productive citizens in the form of taxes and transfers it to government programs. Without someone's generating profit that can be taxed,, government revenue is impossible.

Students of economics know that a nation cannot spend itself into prosperity. Nor can we preserve our prosperity and our free enterprise system by following a reckless policy of spending beyond our income in peacetime. Critics forget that our Free Enterprise System is  based on solvent government and sound money.

 The welfare state, towards which America is steadily moving, is not something new. History has recorded it in the ancient civilizations of Babylon,Greece, and Rome; and modernly in Mussolini's Italy and Hitlers Germany. It is the program of all of today's communist countries. It not only fails to provide the economic security sought for, but the welfare state always ended in slavery-and it always will..

Ezra T. Benson (Secretary of Agriculture)

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