Musings on EPA

One day, some time ago, my family drove several hundred miles to go riding our motorcycles out on the desert. There is a place where it was the most fun trails to ride. The sandy loam hills stretched out as far as the eye could see with the greatest variety of hills from gentle slopes  to straight cliffs. It was our families favorite spot to ride for years and years. On this particular day after riding for about an hour, the Feds showed up and kicked us off the trails because of the delicate desert flower that was in the area.  Now there is an airport in the same area as they leveled the land to make roads and runways, so much for the delicate desert flower.

Now in the news a similar story of the Bundys use of the land for livestock vs Harry Reid wanting to use it for Solar Arrays or whatever else his heart desires, using the excuse of preserving the land for an endangered animal.  Of course, the government, who always deals in force, came with a show of force (Shock and Awe), to scare them into obedience with Swat teams and special military vehicles.

What is the answer? part of it lays in NULLIFICATION where the states take back their power from the FED and stand between the people and the FED. Only the states have the power to protect their citizens from Big Government tyranny.   The best book I have ever read on this was written by Thomas Woods, under my resources menu, titled:  Nullification:”How To Resist Federal Tyranny in the Twenty First Century
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Another is to repeal  Article 17 of the Constitution just as Article 18 was repealed by article 21.  The Founding Fathers, in originally setting up the Constitution,  set up the wiser Senate to be elected by the wiser State legislature to protect the states in their rights and help limit the power of the Fed which was created by the states and then limited to 21 enumerated powers. Now we see the damage that can be done by ignorant people, flooded by propaganda,  changing the Constitution with Article 17 and the resulting loss of states rights as they compete to feed at the Federal trough of carrots with hidden  hooks in them, hidden from the people by mass propaganda.

Personally I can’t stand to watch Network TV because of the truth being hijacked.  It takes a lot of time and effort to sort out fact from fiction and I frankly don’t have to time to keep up with the sheer volume and variety that is presented to us for our consumption. While I am concentrating on one area of lies, I am fast losing freedom in another area. I am stunned by the shear volume of people, agencies, government entities, robbers, and powers trying to enslave us and or seeking a part of the money, (we don’t have) to become rich off the backs of the working people.  I am amazed at how fast we have gone from the world owing us money,  back in the 70’s (when they were talking about purposely devaluing the dollar so other countries would trade with us) to becoming the largest debtor nation in the history of the world.  Part of the blame lies in amending the Constitution with Articles 16 and 17.

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