President Heber C. Kimball: "But the time will come when the Lord will choose a people out of this people upon whom he will bestow his choicest blessings." (Des. News, Nov. 9, 1865; see also JD 11:145.)
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Or this from President Brigham Young: "God will preserve a portion of this people, of the meek and the humble, to bear off the kingdom to the inhabitants of the earth, and will defend His Priesthood; for it is the last time, the last gathering time." (Contributor 10: 362)

Or this from President George Q. Cannon: "Before the great day of the Lord shall come, and the day of righteousness and peace dawn upon this fair creation, two potent cleansing processes shall be in active operation. The first of these is a preparation of a choice people, purified by an application to their lives, as individuals and a community, of the principles of the gospel of peace.  Such a body will evolve from those called Latter-day Saints, who as a Church possess the fullness and power of the pure plan of salvation. Out of this community at present in the merely incipient stages of development and from the remnant of the whole house of Israel, will emanate the nucleus or foundation from which will spring the righteous millennial population of our globe." (Mill. Star 42:585)

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